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Public holidays in Albania

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There are 15 official public holidays observed in Albania. If a non-working public holiday falls on the weekend, then the first working day afterwards is a non-working day.[1][2]

Official public holidays

Official Holidays[1]
Date English name Albanian name Remarks
1–2 January New Year's Day Viti i Ri
14 March Summer Day Dita e Verës ratified by the Albanian Parliament in 2004
22 March Nowruz Dita e Nevruzit Bektashi Order Nevruz in Albania
31 March Catholic Easter Pashkët Katolike date varies, fell on a weekend in 2024
1 Shawwal (10 April) Eid al-Fitr Bajrami i Madh (Fitër Bajrami) date varies
1 May International Labor Day Dita Ndërkombëtare e Punës Worker's Day
5 May Orthodox Easter Pashkët Ortodokse date varies, trailing Catholic Easter by 0 to 5 weeks.
10 Dhu al-Hijja (16 June) Eid al-Adha Bajrami i Vogël (Kurban Bajrami) date varies
5 September Mother Teresa Day Dita e Nënë Terezës ratified by Albanian Parliament as an official and national holiday
22 November Alphabet Day Dita e Alfabetit celebrates the Congress of Manastir, which unified the country's alphabets
28 November Independence Day Dita e Pavarësisë Albanian Declaration of Independence
29 November Liberation Day Dita e Çlirimit
8 December National Youth Day Dita Kombëtare e Rinisë ratified by the Albanian Parliament in 2010, fell on a weekend in 2024
25 December Christmas Day Krishtlindjet

Unofficial holidays

Date English name Albanian name Remarks
6 January Epiphany Uji i Bekuar (Epifani) not official – working day
2 March League of Lezhë Lidhja e Lezhës not official – working day
7 March Teacher's Day Dita e Mësuesit not official – working day
8 March Women's Day Dita e Gruas not official – working day
1 June Children's Day Dita Ndërkombëtare e Fëmijëve not official – working day[3]
15 August Assumption of Mary Dita Shën Marisë or Pashka e Vogël not official – working day
28 November The emergence of the KLA Dalja në skenë e UÇK-s not official – working day
28 November Constitution Day Dita e Kushtetutës not official – working day
6 December Saint Nicholas Day Dita e Shën Kollit not official – working day
24 December Christmas Eve Krishtlindjet Christmas Eve, optional bank holiday


  1. ^ a b "Kalendari i festave zyrtare për vitin 2024". www.bankofalbania.org (in Albanian). Banka e Shqipërisë.
  2. ^ Per festat zyrtare dhe ditet perkujtimore
  3. ^ official website of Tirana